Sunday, August 14, 2011

~DoN't LoOk DoWn~

don't look down...

this word only work with person who had high determined..
if u have determined in do such work/activity an soon on...
u will do it, no matter what happen to u...
so i just want to concluded that..
don't ever look down at this person..
and also don't ever look down to person that u think that... they no more hope in their life..
b'coz someday u can see that their place it higher than us..
why, b'coz they relieve that... they must change..
life we got one change only..
please don't waste it...
and also i want to stress that..
don't look down with ur own ABILITY  ..

da lah aku merapu lam english.. sambungan BM lop..hihihi
jgn pandang rendah dengan kebolehan anda...
kebolehan anda x same ngn org laen..
dan pencapaian anda juga x same ngn orang laen..
kita cuma boleh jadi yang terbaek tuk diri kita..
sebab istilah terbaek adalah berbeza bagi setiap pandangan..
pandangan org laen itu hanya boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan dan bimbingan kepada kita..
hanya kita sendiri yang akan menetukan..

hahaha... ok.. aku xtaw merepek ape sebenarnya.
ini adalah ape yang terlintas kat fikiran aku ketika tgn aku tgh menari-nari di atas keybord laptop aku.. hihihi
so readers.. hope u enjoying your reading... hihihihi


aiENn cHAm said...

kata yg bole bg motivasi,thanks baein for make me feel better ! :)

b@!N said...

alhamdulillah.. sekurang-kurangnya xde lah saya merapu kan...
x sangka entry kali ni dpt bg ain motivasi...
syg kamu...